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loracyn, a totally computer dependent, severely underpaid, extremely bored, sleep deprived OL who lives in that teeny weeny red dot, but dreams of living in "home" and being a full-time web-mistress. She loves Japanese food, but loves and supports ¥¿¥Ä¥¡¼&Íã even more, such that "priorities" and "logic" are non-existent in her dictionary. She is extremely proud to be a ¥¿¥Ä¥¡¼&Íã fan and part of YOU-tachi.
Blog host: blogger
Image host: photobucket
Tagboard: tag-board
Information and photos: loracyn
Please credit if you want to post elsewhere
This blog is not related or affiliated to ÂìÂô½¨ÌÀ, º£°æÍã, ¥¿¥Ä¥¡¼&Íã or Johnny's Entertainment in any way