Jenn and I will be going to Japan at the end of this month, and since it is the end of 2005, we thought it'll be a good idea to collect fan letters requesting for more T&T unit activities. We will bring your handwritten letters and hand deliver them personally to the Johnnys Family Club in Harajuku.
This year, Tackey & Tsubasa only released one CD, the "Kamen/Mirai Koukai" single. We really hope 2006 will be a better year for them, with more CD releases, more appearances on TV TOGETHER (for eg, their own variety show), or even their own radio show! Just look at the other JE groups. I think Takitsuba is the only group who do not have a single unit TV or radio show right?
Generally, I think everyone would like them to have more unit activities to keep them more visible in the public eye.
If you would also like to see more of Takki and Tsubasa together, please help us! Please write a letter in either English or Japanese addressed to Johnny-san and Mary-san, and mail it to Jenn or me.
You can also write the letter, scan it and email that scan (@300 dpi) to either one of us if you don't want to send by postmail. We will glady print out your letter.
If you will write the letter and want to mail it to us by regular postmail, please email to Jenn or and me privately, and we will give you our home addresses.
THOSE WHO LIVE IN ASIA/AUSTRALIA: (I'm living in Singapore)
Email: carol_jay13@hotmail.com
Jenn's email: tsubaholic@hotmail.com
Me: December 20th
Jenn: December 23rd
For further questions, please post a question in either mine or Jenn's BBS or email either of us and ask. My BBS is located at the right side of my blog, just below my tagboard.
We would appreciate all the letters we can get!
Thank you!
We don't know how effective this will be but we have to try! At the very least, the FC would know there are many Tackey & Tsubasa fans overseas!!!!! Let's gamfammi together with Tackey & Tsubasa!