Tadaima!!! Minna genki?

Actually, I just got back 2 nights ago from a 7-day Hokkaido trip.

It was my first time to Japan without any relation to Takki or Takitsuba. All my previous trips to Japan were for events or concerts etc.

And this time, I went with my mum! So it was really a purely tourist trip this time round. Ok, so I know I'm late in updating some of the news. There was absolutely no internet available in Hokkaido at all, even in the hotels itself. So the minute I landed back home in the airport, I msged Snuffles and asked her for any news updates. I knew there was going to be some announcement when I was away cos the Avex page updated with some hints before I left.

So, finally!!! There's going to be some unit activity!! A single release coming up soon!! It's time really, after such an excruciating long wait for us T&T fans! grrr...

[Ho! Summer]
1) Ho! Summer
2) Taste Me (Takki's solo)
3) Mihatenu Yume (Tsuba's solo)
4) Ho! Summer (karaoke version)
Jacket A
Includes furisake DVD
CD Japan - Jacket AJacket B
Includes key ring
CD Japan - Jacket BJacket C
Includes bonus track: Michi
CD Japan - Jacket C
Johnnys Film Festa 2006 has also been announced! This time, the logo is of a bee couple with a heart shape too! Hmm.. I wonder if this is a hint of what is going to be shown? I hope there's lots of rabu rabu within and between the groups!

Event: Johnnys Film Festa 2006
Venue: Tokyo Globe Theatre
Date: 08/04 - 08/31
The latest news just released yesterday is that Tsuba is having his solo con really soon in August!!! Hayai!!! At such short notice again!!! Instead of having his solo con in fall, it will be a summer con this time round.

Event: Tsubasa Summer Concert 2006
Venue 1: Osaka Festival Hall
Date: 08/12 - 1800, 08/13 - 1300 & 1700
Venue 2: Tokyo International Forum Hall A
Date: 08/19 - 1800, 08/20 - 1300 & 1700
2nd Face,
CD JapanSeems like everything is happening in August!!